Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pomegranate Cowgirl Icecream

I promised you Pomegranate recipes - here is Numero Uno:

A no frills ice cream recipe, no need for fancy schmanzy equipment. Nothing but homegrown, organic not genetically modified ingredients.

Warning: I grew up with the metric system so you need to convert my measurements into your cups, stones, bushels and pinches if you can't do metric. I apologize for the extra step.

If you do not have fresh pomegranates, you can also substitute with 175 ml POM juice.

3 pomegranates
1 lime
175 grams icing sugar
 Shaved dark chocolate to taste
500 ml double cream

  • Juice two of the pomegranates as well as the lime. Strain the juices into a bowl. Save the third pomegranate to use the kernels for decoration later.
  • Add icing sugar and whisk until it dissolves
  • Whisk in the double cream until soft peaks form in the pale pink cream 
  • Shave some dark chocolate into the ice cream and fold the deco seeds in
  • Spoon and smooth the ice cream into an airtight container
  • Freeze 5 hrs, overnight is even better                                                                                                                                                           Bon Appetite!    

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